Résidence Saint-Ange

Résidence / Residency 01/02/2023 > 30/04/2023
Seyssin (France)

Duo show 14/12/2023 > 23/12/2023
Ancien Musée de la Peinture - Grenoble (France)

2023. exhibition view  
photo by Cyril Pacrot

    ENG. In a world where visual culture is increasingly powerful, the image has become a means for capturing the soul of an era, its handwriting, its ultimate democratic form of expression, capable of bearing witness to both the noblest and the most futile causes. Our civilization is constantly reviving its cult-like dedication to the image, and, with the production of images growing at a dizzying rate, their distribution has become an equally important symbolic issue.
The image as document is at the heart of Valentin van der Meulen’s graphic work. To analyze what images tell us about the relationship between photography and truth, Valentin van der Meulen reproduces various images; whether captured by his camera, found, or taken from newspapers and the internet, in
large-format drawings.
Drawing adds another layer to the image’s troubled, evocative, suggested reality—itself an imprint of an ever more distant reality.(...)

Isabelle Bernini
Novembre 2023
Independent curator

To read Isabelle Bernini’s text in full, Click here

    FRA. Dans un monde où la culture visuelle est toujours plus forte, l’image demeure un moyen de capturer l’âme d’une époque, elle est devenue son écriture, son mode d’expression ultime et démocratique, apte à témoigner des causes les plus nobles comme des plus futiles. Notre civilisation lui voue un culte toujours renouvelé ; et si la production d’images ne fait que s’amplifier, sa diffusion est devenue un enjeu symbolique tout aussi important.
L’image comme document est ainsi la source de l’oeuvre graphique de Valentin van der Meulen. Comme pour
analyser ce que racontent les images du rapport entre le photographié et la vérité, Valentin van der Meulen
reproduit en dessin de grand format des images captées par son appareil photo, trouvées ou issues de la
presse ou d’Internet.
Le dessin vient ajouter une couche supplémentaire au réel troublé, évoqué, suggéré de l’image – elle-même de nature d’empreinte d’un réel qui s’éloigne toujours davantage.

Isabelle Bernini
Novembre 2023
Curatrice indépendante 

Pour lire le texte complet d’Isabelle Bermini, Cliquez ici

photo by Cyril Pacrot

Dom - Abstract - 2023. Charcoal powder, black stone, paper, wood and polyurethane.
160 x 130 x 5 cm
photo by Cyril Pacrot

It was like the apocalyspse - 2023. Charcoal powder, black stone, paper, wood and polyurethane.
190 x 290 x 5 cm
photo by Cyril Pacrot

Rature - Abstract 02 (left) - 2023. Charcoal powder, black stone, paper, wood, polyurethane and mirror perspex.
120 x 72 x 5 cm

Rature 02 (right) - 2023. Charcoal powder, black stone, paper, wood and polyurethane.
140 x 100 x 5 cm

photo by Cyril Pacrot

photo by Cyril Pacrot

Dom - 2023. Charcoal powder, black stone, paper, wood and polyurethane.
160 x 130 x 5 cm
photo by Cyril Pacrot

Affiché(e)s 17 (left) - 2023. Charcoal, black stone and color paper on paper, glued on wood, mounted on canvas.
140 x 100 cm

photo by Cyril Pacrot

photo by Cyril Pacrot

Shadow - 2023. Charcoal powder, black stone, paper, wood and polyurethane.
190 x 135 x 5 cm
photo by Cyril Pacrot

Birds - 2023. Charcoal powder, black stone, paper, wood and polyurethane.
195 x 135 x 5 cm
photo by Cyril Pacrot

photo by Cyril Pacrot

Nina - 2023. Charcoal powder, black stone, paper, wood and polyurethane.
110 x 80 x 11 cm
photo by Cyril Pacrot

Birds - Abstract - 2023. Charcoal powder, black stone, paper, wood, polyurethane, dibon and acrylic gloss.
various dimensions (110 x 80 x 5 cm / 140 x 70 x 5 cm)
photo by Cyril Pacrot

It was like the apocalypse - Abstract - 2023. Charcoal powder, black stone, paper, wood, polyurethane and mirror perspex.
160 x 206 x 7 cm
photo by Cyril Pacrot

photo by Cyril Pacrot

photo by Cyril Pacrot

Lucia - 2019. Charcoal and black stone on paper, wood, polyurethane and bodywork resin.
270 x 356 x 5 cm

photo by Cyril Pacrot

Abstract - Lucia - 2019. Charcoal and black stone on paper, wood, polyurethane and bodywork resin.
223 x 253 x 5 cm

photo by Cyril Pacrot

Studio Odile Decq at Résidence Saint-Ange

Studio view - La Résidence Saint-Ange

Studio view at Résidence Saint-Ange

© Copyright Valentin van der Meulen